Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Belated Christmas Present!

Scramble for your bazookas everybody, there's a new Tiger in town! The Tamiya Tiger is almost done! Reconnaissance reports show these blurry new pictures of this Tiger, probably preparing to storm the front lines in early 2009!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Finishing the Tamiya Universal Carrier Mk.II: Pt VII

The final step to finishing my Universal Carrier was to weather. First, I made a wash out of Burnt Umber paint, (don't ask me what sort of paint/water ratio I used; I just poured a glob of paint into a cup and put some water in with it) and painted over the chassis with it. I let it dry for about 30 seconds and then wiped it off. The results were FANTASTIC!!! I then applied a wash of Light Avocado and painted over the decals to look like worn paint. I highly recommend this to anybody who wants to add extra realism. Also, I applied deep cuts to the paint and plastic and washed over them with Forest Fern, not with silver. After reading magazine articles and seeing multiple tanks up close, I learned that when a tank receives a cut or a chip, it doesn't immediately wear down to bare metal, but reveals a less faded version of the main base coat.
After that I added a coat of mud to the lower part of the vehicle. For this I used Tamiya's Weathering Master, (item 87079), and painted on the mud color. This is a very accurate and cheap way to give your model added realism. For the tracks, I simply applied a red-ish brown wash and put them on. This was fairly simple, but most of the time, you need a second set of hands.
Overall, this was a fantastic kit that I really enjoyed building as an early armour model.
***** 5/5 to Tamiya for such an excellent kit!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Finishing the Tamiya Universal Carrier Mk.II: Pt VI

The most daunting task on the road to finishing my Universal Carrier was markings. Personally, I wanted to model my Carrier after the Universal Carrier of the Calgary Museum of the Regiments, the first one that I saw up close. I VERY CAREFULLY painted in the insignias on the front of the vehicle. This took multiple tries, having to redo the maple leaf on many occaisions, making this a fairly tedious process. Then I placed some decals from the kit, #'s T-252910 and carefully painted a "C" in front of the "T's" in order to make the vehicle Canadian. I then applied a wash of the base color to blend in the decals.