The final step to finishing my Universal Carrier was to weather. First, I made a wash out of Burnt Umber paint, (don't ask me what sort of paint/water ratio I used; I just poured a glob of paint into a cup and put some water in with it) and painted over the chassis with it. I let it dry for about 30 seconds and then wiped it off. The results were FANTASTIC!!! I then applied a wash of Light Avocado and painted over the decals to look like worn paint. I highly recommend this to anybody who wants to add extra realism. Also, I applied deep cuts to the paint and plastic and washed over them with Forest Fern, not with silver. After reading magazine articles and seeing multiple tanks up close, I learned that when a tank receives a cut or a chip, it doesn't immediately wear down to bare metal, but reveals a less faded version of the main base coat.
After that I added a coat of mud to the lower part of the vehicle. For this I used Tamiya's Weathering Master, (item 87079), and painted on the mud color. This is a very accurate and cheap way to give your model added realism. For the tracks, I simply applied a red-ish brown wash and put them on. This was fairly simple, but most of the time, you need a second set of hands.
Overall, this was a fantastic kit that I really enjoyed building as an early armour model.
***** 5/5 to Tamiya for such an excellent kit!