Saturday, July 4, 2009

Canada's Hornet Pt.3

...Or "Canada's Hornet Pt. 3: How I Learned That This Will Be A Freaking Huge Model":P.

In this step, I really realized that this model would be ginormous! In step two of the instructions, the model barely fit into the container that I use for storage. In this step, I assembled the first part of the fuelslage, and was impressed with the details. There were even little parts for the grills in the vents! From this point on, I was quite pleased.

And I figured that, since I'm not going to do a frequent tip for a long time, I'll give you this tip for these economic times. Buy cheaper models if the big ones put you into debt, and if you can't afford them, stop building models. Remember, food is more important than that new Dragon, or Tamiya kit.

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